- Engage with a diverse array of local suicide prevention resources, brought together through the collective efforts of the Houghton Keweenaw Suicide Prevention Coalition.
- Connect with passionate individuals and organizations dedicated to making a difference in mental health advocacy.
- Discuss important issues and learn about available support.
Suicide Prevention Walk
Eighth annual Suicide Prevention Walk
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Join Copper Shores and the Houghton Keweenaw Suicide Prevention Coalition!
Promote awareness and connect with valuable local resources dedicated to suicide prevention.

Meet valuable suicide prevention resources!
Join Copper Shores in showing visible solidarity and the collective commitment to addressing and reducing the stigma of suicide. Take the time to honor those lost and those affected while creating a culture.
1 to 1:30 p.m. - Check in
Get a free t-shirt, while supplies last
1:30 to 2:15 p.m. - Vendors and activities
Talk to local suicide prevention resource providers
Take part in family friendly games and activities
2:15 to 2:30 p.m. - Raffle prizes
Try to win a prize, provided by community partners
2:30 to 3 p.m. - Guest Speaker
Hear from Callisto Cortez on suicide prevention and empowering others to save lives.
3 to 4p.m. - Walk
Walk the streets of Houghton and show your neighbors that they have support!
Meet the 2024 guest speaker
In 2024, the featured guest speaker is Callisto Cortez, Outreach & Education Youth Development Specialist.
Cortez will be talking about
- The experiences and challenges she has dealt with throughout her life due to suicide.
- Ways to cope and face suicidal ideation, with hope and prevention from the perspective of a young woman who has grown up in the face of adversity.
- Recognizing that help is all around us and how we can help not only ourselves, but others.

Thank you to the following community partners for supporting the eighth annual Suicide Prevention Walk.




Photo Album
2023 Suicide Prevention Walk
The Houghton Keweenaw Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Houghton Keweenaw Suicide Prevention Coalition is made up of mental health leaders, experts, and advocates from across the Copper Country, including members from organizations such as Copper Country Intermediate School District, Keweenaw Support 4 Healthy Minds, Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home, Copper Country Community Mental Health, Western Upper Peninsula Health Department and Copper Shores Outreach & Education.
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