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TOP Club

A Copper Shores Education & Outreach program.

Teen Outreach Program (TOP Club)

A free program for 6th, 7th and 8th graders that meets every other week after school to help build social-emotional skills, strengthen relationships, and avoid risky behaviors.

TOP Club facilitators teach interactive activities that help teens prepare to navigate life’s challenges and to make a difference in your community.


To help ALL young people thrive and become successful adults who can lead.


To connect teens to their voices, strengths and futures through proven programming.

How the program works

Meeting time

After the final bell rings at school, head to the designated room where we will be holding our meetings. Parent pick-up is at 4:30 p.m. when TOP Club ends.


There are snacks provided for you to enjoy during TOP Club. Water or other drinks are not provided so please remember to bring a water bottle!

During TOP Club

We will enjoy our activity for that meeting day and it is essential to participate. And remember, we will still be in the school, so school rules will still be followed.

TOP Club Activities

Teens learn skills like problem solving and goal setting through fun and interactive activities like Tallest Tower, What’s the Motivation?, and Moonrocks.

Community Service Learning

In addition to bi-weekly meetings, TOP Club participates in Community Service Learning, student-led activities, trips and events that the students personally find engaging. TOP Club participants complete at least 15 hours of facilitated community service throughout the school year.

Example Activities:
  • Garbage pick-up
  • Canned goods drive
  • Educational hallway posters
  • Supply Drive for Humane Society
  • Gift baskets for Little Brothers
  • Making bird houses

TOP Club Schools

Below is a current list of participating schools. TOP Club meets every other Thursday after school.

  • Chassell Township Schools (meets during lunch)
  • Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools
  • Ewen-Trout Creek School District
  • Houghton-Portage Township Schools


Bring TOP Club to your school

TOP Club is offered by Copper Shores Community Health Foundation  in Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw and Ontonagon county. The ability to expand to more schools is possible. If you would like to see TOP Club expanded to your school, please email program coordinator Callisto Cortez at

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to attend every single meeting?

  • If you miss a meeting because you were out sick, had an appointment or any other related circumstance that is perfectly okay.
  • Skipping multiple meetings without excuse will not permit you to attend the outings.

Can I just come for the outings?

Part of your membership in TOP Club is showing up for lessons/activities, which earns you a spot in participating in the outings. 

What does this amazing program cost?


How do I join?

Have a parent or guardian fill out the Registration and Active Consent Form found below, then show up with a smile and ready to have a great time!

What if my parent or guardian hasn’t filled out the Registration and Active Consent Form?

OH NO! You can come to the first meeting without it, but after that, it is a requirement.

Register for TOP Club

If your middle school student is interested in joining the TOP Club at their school, complete the form linked in the button here. 


The science behind TOP Club

Wyman's evidence-based Teen Outreach Program (TOP) is a positive youth development program designed to help teens build educational success, life and leadership skills, and healthy behaviors and relationships. As a result, teens are better able to navigate challenges during the teenage years - a time when decisions matter. Learn more on the Wyman Center website

Meet the

TOP Club Facilitators

Callisto Cortez - Featured Image
Callisto Cortez - Featured Image

Callisto Cortez

Youth Development Specialist
Kassy Kallio - Featured Image

Kassy Kallio

Community Support Specialist & Michigan Certified Peer Recovery Coach
Kristine Martens - Featured Image

Kristine Martens

Program Director - Outreach & Education
Lisa Simpson - Featured Image

Lisa Simpson

Prevention Coordinator

Upcoming Events

Teen Resources

TOP Club - Featured Image

TOP Club

The Teen Outreach Program (TOP Club) is for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. The clubs meet once a week after school to talk about life, learn skills and ...
Love is Respect - Featured Image

Love is Respect

Information on healthy relationships and dating, including red flags that you might be in an abusive relationship.
National Runaway Safeline - Featured Image

National Runaway Safeline

Keeping America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets. Hotline available.
The Trevor Project - Featured Image

The Trevor Project

An international, affirming community for LGBTQ+ young people. Hotline available.
Teens Against Bullying - Featured Image

Teens Against Bullying

Created by and for teens, this website is a place for middle and high school students to find ways to address bullying, to take action, and to be ...
The Jason Foundation - Featured Image

The Jason Foundation

Home of the "A Friends Asks" app that helps provide the information, tools and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be struggling with ...
Your Life Your Voice - Featured Image

Your Life Your Voice

Tips to help with tough situations, and create an Avatar to reflect your style and coping skills.
UP Communities That Care - Featured Image

UP Communities That Care

Coalitions across the UP are looking for teens put their skills to use and make a difference!

Support TOP Club

Please consider becoming a one-time or monthly donor. To make a contribution to TOP Club, visit