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Danna Olsen

2024-05-31 Website-Danna Olsen


Congratulations to the latest Superior Educator - Danna Olsen of BHK Ryan Center! Read her nomination below!

➡️ "When you leave your baby with daycare, superheroes pick them up. There were so many mornings where I had to leave for work and my son was crying, or that I was late for work and reluctantly plopped my baby into Danna's warm arms, but knew that there was someone looking out for him, and that he would be loved and cared for. Danna empathically tunes into the interests and needs of the kids and fosters the bonds that kids need to grow. Her love for the kids is contagious and lead by the heart. It is worth a million dollars and more. As we started to delve more into our farm-to-school efforts at the Ryan Center, Danna has been an integral part in that. She is our staff gardening expert, helping support the rest of the classrooms with seeds, supplies and know-how. Her classroom is full of starter plants that her class has planted for our garden bed, and she is great at getting the kids engaged in the gardening process and in fresh food."