President / CEO
Kevin Store

Mission Support
About Kevin Store
Kevin brings a unique perspective and a great deal of understanding of the challenges that face the people of this region and the demands placed on the non-profit charitable organizations. In his role as President/CEO of Copper Shores Community Health Foundation, he combines his own lived-experiences with his own work history ( which has included several sectors including youth rehabilitation, vocational training for adults with disabilities, and healthcare) to better position the foundation and its partners to meet the pressing needs in our community. He is motivated to serve and do what we can to make the region - our home - a place where all people can live and thrive.
Favorite Restaurant
I'm a bit of a foody...I like different foods...and there are a lot of neat places here to explore or expand your palette.
Your Why
Non-profits provide much of the "behind-the-scenes" work that makes a community a better community. Whether it be volunteer groups that influence the civic vitality of the community, or safety-net organizations that serve the most vulnerable people, non-profits are there making a difference in virtually every aspect of community health.
Favorite Local Nonprofit
I can't choose...they all serve a unique role are are all vitally important
Fun Fact
As a kid, my father made us take accordian lessons.
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