Six Organizations Named Small Grant Recipients for 2023
July 17, 2023 | By Emilie Jacques
Six organizations have been awarded grants through Copper Shores Community Health Foundation’s Small Grants Program. These grants are meant to help meet the needs of our community by focusing on health-related events, activities or opportunities. Applications were accepted beginning in March 2023.
Website for Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home | $2,500
Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home will be using the Small Grant to update their website. This upgrade will allow them to more clearly communicate the services they offer, as well as streamline the donation and volunteering processes for people looking to get involved.
Playground Equipment for Bridging Gaps Childcare | $2,500
Bridging Gaps Childcare knows how important it is for children to have enough time outdoors. By playing and exploring outside, children develop a better sense of their personal surroundings as well as become more comfortable with their own bodies. The Small Grant will allow them to invest in and improve their playground equipment, giving children a safe space to explore the outdoors.
Court Sport Expansion for CCISD | $2,488
Copper Country Intermediate School District (CCISD) will be using the funds from the Small Grant to develop an inclusive pickleball and tennis program for people with physical disabilities. There is an overall lack of inclusive activities, especially in the summer with sit ski and sled hockey programs out of season.
Adding Music to Gipp Playground in Laurium | $2,500
Music can be enjoyed regardless of age and ability, allowing children to develop their creative side. The Village of Laurium will use the funding from the Small Grant to place musical features at the Gipp playground in Laurium. These features will help children of all ages and abilities develop their musical sides while recreating in an outdoor and safe environment.
Equipment Upgrades for Ahmeek Village Fire Department | $1,544
The Ahmeek Village Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department serves more than the immediate area of the department, assisting in many brush fires and rescues in Keweenaw and Houghton County. This type of rescue requires specific equipment to access rural areas, including an ATV and mobile units for water, medical attention, and transportation. The Small Grant will allow them to build out a trailer to properly store and transport their rescue equipment and ATV when responding to remote emergencies.
Kitchen Upgrades for Meal Delivery for Homebound Seniors in Baraga County | $709
The Dickinson Iron Community Services Agency helps to provide meals to homebound seniors. There is no required cost for the meals that are provided to seniors. The Small Grant will help fund operations in the Greenhill Manor Kitchen in L’Anse where meals are prepared and cooked before being distributed to seniors in the area.
To learn more about other grant opportunities for Copper Shores Community Health Foundation, visit

Emilie Jacques
"I graduated from Michigan Tech with a B.S. in Psychology, a minor in Communication Studies, and a minor in Media Production. I love the outdoors and DnD." You can reach Emilie at