Rich Simpson begins role as new Bridges Program Coordinator
January 3, 2025 | By Emilie Jacques
To my mother: I watched my mom strive to bring us out of poverty by finding education and working multiple jobs. I watched that struggle as a young man, that desire to get her kids into a safer place. The path that my mother guided me down created a desire to uplift myself and others. I still focus on her guidance and it has pushed me to be the man I am today. - Rich Simpson
Copper Shores Bridges is entering a new phase in the new year with Rich Simpson accepting the role of program coordinator. Simpson is taking over for Michael Steber, who will still be helping out before retiring at the end of the spring sessions.
Some may recognize Simpson as the operations coordinator of Copper Shores’ Meals on Wheels kitchen, but he now steps into a new role, taking on new challenges.
“I have a passion for serving others,” said Simpson. “I believe that my ability to help find creative solutions is an attribute that can be used for the individuals who are looking to uplift themselves, and I look forward to providing that support.”
Simpson has been with Copper Shores since June of 2021, helping carry out the administrative transition from Copper Country Senior Meals to Copper Shores Meals on Wheels. As the new program coordinator of Bridges, Simpson will oversee the operations of all three Bridges locations, supporting the participants and facilitators in each class.
“I would like to continue the wonderful work that has been started and help the program grow into the model of the Bridges community that it is designed to be,” said Simpson.
He officially begins the new role with Bridges on January 13, but Simpson has already completed facilitator training, worked closely with Steber ahead of the next session, read up on curriculum and has gained an understanding of the Bridges philosophy. He is eager to start working with participants and ready to hit the ground running.
“I come from a single mother household,” explained Simpson. “Having come from systemic poverty, I have seen the struggles that so many of the people in our community face on a day-in and day-out basis. That gives me one more driving force to help individuals that are looking to improve their lives.”
Having already volunteered his time after work to help out on class night, Simpson is ready to learn more and continue the Bridges legacy in the Copper Country. Bridges programming is offered in Baraga, Houghton and Mass City. Applications are now being accepted for the next Getting Ahead cohort. Learn more about the Bridges program and apply to be part of Getting Ahead. Applications for Houghton and Baraga are due Friday January 10, and applications for Mass City are due Friday, January 17.

Emilie Jacques
"I graduated from Michigan Tech with a B.S. in Psychology, a minor in Communication Studies, and a minor in Media Production. I love the outdoors and DnD." You can reach Emilie at