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New format for Copper Shores recreation and facilities RFP, applications now being accepted

March 10, 2025 | By Emilie Jacques

Copper Shores Community Health Foundation has released its annual request for proposals focusing on community recreation opportunities and facilities, this time with a little twist. The foundation is awarding up to $100,000, which will be made available in 2026. Grant applications are due Monday, May 12, 2025.

2025-03-10-Recreation-and-Facilities-Grant-Social-Advertising-OL-1080x1350-v3Copper Shores is releasing this RFP at this time so that appropriate planning can be done for projects in 2026. This RFP is intended to address the need to support inclusion in proposed activities by providing equitable access for the broader community. Funding for 2025 has already been allocated. An optional, but recommended, letter of inquiry is due Friday, April 4. In previous years the majority of grant recipients have completed the letter of inquiry.

This RFP is specifically addressing Copper Shores’ long-term sustainability goals of healthy living. Community health grants provide support for activities or opportunities that promote healthy lifestyles which improve the overall health of a community.

Copper Shores strongly recommends that projects follow universal design guidelines. Universal design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. An environment (or any building, product or service in that environment) should be designed to meet the needs of all people who wish to use it. 

This is not a special requirement for the benefit of only a minority of the population, it is a fundamental condition of good design. If an environment is accessible, usable, convenient and a pleasure to use, everyone benefits. By considering the diverse needs and abilities of all throughout the design process, universal design creates products, services and environments that meet peoples’ needs. Simply put, universal design is a good design.

Contact Copper Shores at for any questions or assistance with the application or letter of inquiry. Learn more about the granting process and start the application by visiting

Emilie Jacques

Emilie Jacques

"I graduated from Michigan Tech with a B.S. in Psychology, a minor in Communication Studies, and a minor in Media Production. I love the outdoors and DnD." You can reach Emilie at