Meals on Wheels Holiday Cookie Sale order deadline extended
December 11, 2023 | By Michael H. Babcock
The ordering deadline has now passed.
The deadline for the Holiday Cookie Sale to benefit Copper Shores Meals on Wheels has been extended. Orders for delivery must be made by 11:59 p.m. tonight, Monday, December 11, and orders for pickup must be made by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 17.
Deliveries will be made during the afternoon on Wednesday, December 13. This is free for all orders being delivered within five miles of the Meals on Wheels kitchen in Hancock. Those who receive daily meal delivery that made an order will receive their cookie box with their daily delivery.
Orders can be picked up between 2 and 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 13 or between 1 and 4 p.m. on Monday, December 18 or Tuesday, December 19.
This year all boxes will include at least 20 holiday favorites, including many cookies baked by local bakeries and those baked in the Meals on Wheels kitchen using favorite recipes of staff and volunteers.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will help Meals on Wheels continue to deliver more than 90,000 meals each year throughout Houghton and Keweenaw counties. Learn more about Meals on Wheels and get your order in by visiting or calling 1 (906) 483-1155.