Human Trafficking Prevention & Stalking Awareness Month
January 10, 2023 | By Sophia Goulette

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month and Stalking Awareness Month. Dial Help’s Victim Services staff work with survivors of both issues and have seen the trauma they can cause firsthand. This month, they are promoting awareness and resources through social media information and community education, with a Human Trafficking Education event at the CLK Commons on January 25th from 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm. Participants will receive a certificate of completion, and the training is especially recommended for medical personnel, hotel and rental workers, in addition to community members.
“Human trafficking can look different for different people and areas,” said Paige Setter-Hallwachs, Dial Help Sexual Assault Services Coordinator. “But just like downstate or more urban areas, human trafficking happens in the Upper Peninsula,”
Some common signs seen locally that indicate someone is being trafficked include:
● Not having control of your personal identity documents
● Performing sexual favors in exchange for basic necessities such as housing
● Being unable to leave without repercussions or threats
You can learn more about warning signs of trafficking and resources for help at
The Copper Country is a small rural place; for many people, this is part of its charm, but for stalking victims it’s an added risk factor that affects their ability to avoid their stalker. According to the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC), stalking impacts one in three women and one in six men in the United States. SPARC has helpful resources for victims of stalking, such as a pre-formatted incident log and information on laws and statutes at
If you suspect someone of being trafficked or are being trafficked yourself, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888, text “HELP” or “INFO” to 233733, or visit Contact our crisis line by calling 800-562-7622 if you are being stalked to request an on-call advocate who can support victims in making a police report or obtaining a forensic exam (commonly referred to as a rape kit). Dial Help’s Victim Services programs are funded by the MIDHHS Department of Victim Services and the National Children’s Alliance.