Collaboration leads to new recovery residence in L'Anse
February 21, 2020 | By Michael H. Babcock
Providing an opportunity for a better future was on the minds of many people as they came together to make the new Ripple Recovery Residence in L’Anse a reality, and soon the new facility will be welcoming its first residents. “This project is a culminating effort of concerned citizens trying to make a difference in their community for residents struggling with addiction and its many challenges,” said Greg Toutant, chief executive officer at Great Lakes Recovery Centers (GLRC). “The compassion, support and determination to help others has been a driving force for all those involved. It takes a team effort of funders, providers, community leaders and residents to make the creation of new programming possible.”
The main driving force for the house was the local residents involved with the Drug Abatement and Rehabilitation Team (DART), including Dr. Harold Ripple, who the house was named after.
“This is a great thing for the area,” said Dr. Ripple, who’s countless hours and generous gifts were vital to the house opening its doors for healing. “This is a great start and we could become a more inclusive program for those affected by addiction. There are a number of people over here who have done incredible amounts of work. Some of the women have been there every day getting the place ready. We need to give credit where credit is due — those women who have been behind this from the beginning have been relentless.”
The house is owned and operated by GLRC, but without the collaboration of DART, Superior Health Foundation (SHF) and Portage Health Foundation (PHF), it wouldn’t have been possible. Superior Health Foundation provided a $44,000 grant and Portage Health Foundation provided a $38,365 grant. Additionally, NorthCare Network, local donors and community support have been instrumental in helping to support and fund recovery housing.
“The Superior Health Foundation is excited to see the Ripple Recovery Residence open its doors,” said Jim LaJoie, executive director of the Superior Health Foundation. “This house, this ambitious project, really fills an unmet need for females as they begin the journey to recovery. It promises to be a wonderful addition to the community, a safe place where women and their children can live in a welcoming, nurturing environment focused on recovery. The Superior Health Foundation is very honored to help philanthropically support this initiative.”
“This home is the result of nearly three years of community exploration and collaboration,” said Kevin Store, executive director at PHF. “The genesis of this project was a conversation brought forward in 2016 by former PHF board member Nicole Collins and Dr. Ripple. If not for their tenacious advocacy for the people of this community, and the awareness they helped create surrounding the level of need for people afflicted with substance and alcohol addiction in Baraga County, this project may not have been realized. Their commitment and engagement with us brought about a focused effort on finding a solution for this community. As the conversation grew and the need for more input was recognized, other concerned citizens and treatment organizations were engaged and part of a larger discussion. This was coupled with an effort by the Superior Health Foundation’s desire to see services offered or expanded to serve this community. They too saw the need and were working on a way to bring financial support to the table. The result, after countless hours of meetings, planning, studies and a focused commitment to finding a right-sized solution led to the co-funding of the Ripple Recovery Residence. This house for female residents in recovery is an example of how people from multiple sectors can come together in a solution-focused effort to help find ways to address needs that exist in our community. The Portage Health Foundation is proud to be a participant and co-funder of the house, but most importantly we are proud of the people who made this a reality. Their passion, patience, persistence and willingness to collaborate should serve as a role model for others who want to find scalable solutions that serve our community.”
Recovery housing is focused on helping people develop their independence and learn about themselves, all while focusing on recovery. Many people do not have a safe and sober living environment to go to once they complete treatment, which is where the Ripple Recovery Residence can come in. It has worked for many at GLRC’s other locations, including for the unnamed person who provided the following testimonial about their time at Sue B’s in Marquette.
“So much of my struggle with addiction was in isolation. I always thought that because it was a mess I had gotten myself into, then I would be the only one to get myself out. My experience in Sue B's house has taught me the opposite. Even though the women in this house have very different lives, problems, experiences, we are all just fighting to get our lives back. Being able to experience that struggle together and witness each others’ successes and challenges, can only happen at a place like this. Being able to see the progress in each other makes it easier to see that same progress in my own journey. We are building relationships that are based on mutual respect between people who have struggled and survived the same near-fatal catastrophe. I know now that if I'm not strong enough, I don't need to be. The strength in these women, here at Sue B's house, will get me through."
Learn more about Great Lakes Recovery Centers and the Ripple Recovery Residence, including how to apply to heal there, by visiting