Meet the 2022 Emergency Food Pantry RFPs Grantees
July 19, 2023 | By Emilie Jacques
In late 2022, Portage Health Foundation released an Emergency Food Pantry Grant Request for Proposal (RFP). These funds were granted in order to better serve community members and ease access to necessities such as food, hygiene products and childcare products. In total, $19,500 was awarded to eight organizations.
Copper Country Angel Mission - $2,500
This grant allowed for the Copper Country Angel Mission to purchase more food, specifically a more nutritionally balanced diet for their clients.
Finlandia University - $2,500
Finlandia University used these funds for The Table: Student Needs Pantry, where students can access shelf-stable foods, toiletries, fresh produce and fresh dairy products.
Keweenaw Family Resource Center - $2,000
Pantries are necessary for supplying all kinds of non-perishables, including diapers. The Keweenaw Family Resource Center provided diapers, wipes and other hygienic supplies for infants and toddlers.
Trinity Episcopal Church - $2,500
The church aims to offer a comprehensive pantry for low-income residents. Not only do they offer non-perishable food, but they also offer toiletries and cleaning supplies.
31 Backpacks - $2,500
31 Backpacks has been busy serving approximately 180 families, as well as servicing the food pantries for two different schools.
St. Nicholas Project - $2,500
The St. Nicholas Project provided food cards and vouchers for residents of Ontonagon County to help them have a healthy and nutritious holiday season, focusing on low income families and seniors.
L’Anse St. Vincent de Paul Pantry - $2,500
St. Vincent de Paul in L’Anse provided coupons for meat, eggs and milk, along with other pantry items to residents in need.
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly - $2,500
The pandemic has caused a decrease in food donations and an increase in the need for food donations. The funds helped Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly to continue their monthly food bag and Christmas food box programs.
The Emergency Food Pantry RFP was available for the second time in 2022. To see other grant opportunities at Portage Health Foundation, visit Subscribe to our email newsletter to stay up to date on future grant opportunities.

Emilie Jacques
"I graduated from Michigan Tech with a B.S. in Psychology, a minor in Communication Studies, and a minor in Media Production. I love the outdoors and DnD." You can reach Emilie at