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Wellness Night: Biofield Tuning

July 14, 2025

06:00 PM

Wellness Journey Support Group

A comprehensive trauma recovery support group for individuals who have experienced trauma or secondary trauma to build a support network of like-minded and safe individuals.

Wellness Night - Biofield Tuning

Community members are invited to join Wellness Nights, hands-on activities designed to provide tangible takeaways and easy-to-integrate tools for participants to use along their wellness journeys. This biofield tuning session will be led by Jenny Ciurro.

Founded by Eileen Day McKusick, biofield tuning is a sound therapy method that provides targeted nervous system clearing and relief. It is a unique, non-medical therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the biomagnetic field that surrounds the human body. It resolves distortion in your electromagnetic field, leaving you feeling calm, clear and free of stress. Singing bowls and tuning forks are used to relay some of your trauma stories. Frequencies from tuning forks will help clear and heal some of the static energy that can be stuck in one's energy fields, which is often the cause of emotional and physical discomfort and disease. Discover the life shifting healing and freedom this amazing sound healing modality can offer.

Sign Up

To attend Wellness Nights outside of the full 22 week Wellness Journey Support Group, please sign up here.