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Amanda Makela

2025-03-07-Website-AmandaMakelaCongratulations to Amanda Makela, Do Good Volunteer of March 2025!

"Amanda has committed a great deal of time and energy to making Pasty Fest a standout event in our community. The event is a fundraiser for Main Street Calumet and a signature summer event for Calumet, drawing residents and visitors to our downtown district. Amanda has applied her design skills to this event, creating a range of content and managing our social media platforms for a much broader impact than we've ever been able to achieve in the past. She has also brought to life event merchandise, assisting in the design, locating manufacturers and even hauling boxes of t-shirts and hats to and fro. Her positive attitude, incredible flexibility and readiness to problem-solve make her a truly outstanding volunteer."

Thank you for your work!